
Black man hugging himself, we can only see his back and his arms, black and white picture

Chronic Health issues/ Cancer

If you are struggling with a chronic health condition, you may be feeling hopeless that life will ever feel "normal" again. Your relationships may feel different. Everything seems on hold and constantly in transition. You may be in pain and/or too tired to do the things you want to do in life, which adds to the frustration you feel. I have worked extensively with individuals with cancer/ in survivorship, fertility issues, endometriosis, autoimmune disorders, organ failure, higher body weight/body image concerns, physical disability, and health-related anxiety

Therapy can help you navigate this new phase of life and discover what living well means to you given your physical limitations. Therapy will also help you gain understanding of how your emotions are affecting your physical symptoms and vice versa. 

black and white picture, two flowers, Lillies

Life transitions/Grief

Change is hard, whether it is wanted or unwanted. Maybe you are going through a breakup or divorce, lost a loved one, moving to a new city, or switching jobs. You may be feeling confusing mixed emotions, like excitement, resentment, anger, or grief.

Therapy can help you navigate these role changes with grace and in accordance with your values.

woman swiming in pool, enyojing a great view of the ocean, we see her from the back

Women's Wellness

If you are struggling with infertility, body image issues, anxiety, or depression after having a baby, or just looking for help to juggle the many demands of life as a woman, you are not alone.

Therapy can help you feel less overwhelmed, more empowered, and more compassionate towards yourself. 

Black and white photo, a person's hand on a window, rain dopplets outside and a view of a building.


You may have difficulty finding the motivation to get through your daily life ̶ the house gets messy, you aren't eating well or exercising, and work becomes something you can barely get through. You even find that you have difficulty doing the things you normally enjoy doing like spending time with friends.

Therapy can help guide you to spot a depressive episode before it hits, help you discover the things that work for you to help get yourself get back to feeling like yourself, and maintain lasting change.

Ocean water with small waves at sunset


You may feel like worries are playing on a loop in your head and you can't seem to focus on anything else. You notice that your life seems a lot smaller because you avoid things that seem risky "just in case".

Therapy for anxiety can help you take back control of your life so that you are the one steering the ship instead of your anxiety. Learn to relate to your worries in a different way, gain perspective, and live a fuller life.

Big and beautifull oak tree on a field at sunset sunnyday in the afternoon


You may be reliving traumatic events from the past. Maybe you avoid people, places, or things that remind you of the trauma. You may even find yourself numbing out or dissociating in moments when you’d rather be present. Your view of yourself, others, and the world may have changed.

Trauma therapy can help you re-process and take back ownership of your life. Through intentional, mindful exposures, you can control the direction of your life and come out the other side even more resilient than before.


Whether you are in a relationship or not, humans are wired to crave connection. If you're looking to get closer emotionally, build trust, or create a secure connection with yourself or a partner, focusing on your attachment pattern may be exactly what’s needed. Individual or couples therapy can really help If you find yourself stuck in the same relational patterns, having the same arguments over and over, or you want to increase emotional intimacy.